Thursday, December 20, 2007
On this day
This morning I prayed the scripture Galatians 6:14 'God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.'
This morning I had a wonderful breakfast with the people I love - my wife, dad and family at Gombak area and then to Mont Kiara for coffee and cakes.
This morning I received numerous sms from members in KL and the outreach churches.
Later this day I will be amongst my brothers and sisters in Christ for dinner and supper. I am surrounded by the love of God, family and believers.
.....for on this day I was born.......God has given me a good life and promised me a greater future ahead. Acts 17:28 'For in God we live and move and have our being'.
Looking for a better life - Try JESUS.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
6 Days of 13 Hours In Conference A Day
When we arrived at the hotel, we met the conference participants as they were heading out for their dinner. We learned from them that they had a full day of meeting starting from 7 am and after dinner, it will carry on till 10.30pm. Wow, talk about a full day. You can never plan a meeting of that length each day over 6 days in Malaysia.
On Saturday, the last day of the conference as I started teaching, I wondered how I would fare in trying to hold the attention of the group for such long hours. The other days, they had 4 speakers daily but I will be the only speaker for that entire day, though it was shortened due to intervention from the authorities. I finally completed eight sessions on that day and they were asking for more. Not that I was outstanding in my delivery, but rather it was the hunger in their hearts to learn and be better equipped that drew the best out of me. In fact, the time went by so fast, and I was surprised I still had energy after the sessions. The day earlier, I thought that I would collapse after completing the day.
Attending the conference were about 130 pastors and leaders. Their intense desire to be equipped for impact challenged me. A number of them had been jailed for their faith. Some were senior ministers but they all listened with such intent that it engages the speaker to pour into their hearts. I was so blessed and pray that such a passion to learn will burn in my heart and in the heart of my church.
Sadly, too often, our ears grow dull and our minds wander to a thousand places during a conference or even in a single service. Our know it all attitude kicks in and we tend to judge, criticize and rip to pieces the message or teaching delivered. There is a place for discernment and evaluation, but there is a more important need for us to have open hearts and minds to learn from the speaker and hear the still small voice of God.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Talent and Skill are not Enough
The speaker thundered and delivered the message passionately. At 75 years old, having served God full time for 52 years, Dr. George Westlake is still going strong. The fire had not dimmed but is burning fiercely. He has handed the leadership of the church of 5,000 people to the next generation, but he is still very active in ministry. He and his wife still runs a weekly live TV program answering questions from callers to the station. He travels widely speaking, teaching and training. He is a pastor to pastors and he is writing a Commentary on the book of Romans. He has previously completed textbooks for the Global University on Daniel and Revelation. On top of that, he does 200 crunches everyday. (I am doing 20 and that is not even everyday)
As I sat there listening to him at the AG Ministers Retreat, I was inspired by a man who has given his best and is still giving his best to serve God. He is learned, kind, experienced and most of all I admire his resilience in dedication. Life and ministry has its ups and downs but he has sailed the calm and rough seas masterfully. Resilience, perseverance and dogged determination – a critical link to success and impact is clearly missing in many lives today.
Talent and skill are not enough. Potential is overrated. Many highly talented people never reach success. They remain mediocre even though they have loads of abilities. They have aptitude but lack attitude. Highly defined skills does not naturally translate into effective lives. One major reason is the lack of staying power. They give up too easily. Problems stop them. They get knocked down and they stay down. Weak minds and weak hearts are not the kind of stuff that champions are made of.
Sadly, these talented people, offer countless excuses on how they have been victimized by life and people. They feel robbed of their glory. Life has been unfair to them. Someone cut in on them. Lady luck ran out. They blame everyone and everything except themselves. They trip over themselves while getting up.
There are no short cuts to success. We need stamina and strength for the long haul. Go the distance. Turn problems into possibilities. Finish what you started. Stick to your call. Let nothing stop you from doing what is right.
Rev.2:26 ‘To him who overcomes and does My will to the end, I will give authority over the nations.’ If you want to be a champion, act, think and behave like one. Get up. Move forward. Never give up.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
O What A Night!
They started planning for the night about two months ago. Everything from the ushers, program, MC, specials, refreshments and even the preaching of the Word were handled by the African students. It started well and ended up a huge success. Bravo!
I see in them initiative and a boldness in their actions for the Lord. From the children to the students, they displayed strong confidence on stage. The audience clapped, sang and on the second praise session, the stage front and every aisle was filled with the Africans and even Malaysians dancing unto the Lord for about half an hour.
The preaching was assigned to a quiet, unassuming student with a baby face look. I was uncertain if he was up to the task when his name was first suggested, but I accepted their proposal as it was their night. When the service was turned over to him, he took the mic and he spoke fluently, convincingly and expounded the Word accurately. I was so so blessed and I praise God that the Church in Africa has taught well its members the precepts of God's Word.
One more thing. This morning in the Sunday service, the African students presented a gift to the church for accepting them and supporting the African Praise Night. The church was overwhelmed by their generous and thoughtful gesture. And what's the gift - a five string bass guitar. Wow!
To all our African brothers and sisters, thank you for inspiring and blessing us. Since you came this January 2007 , you have added a fresh and colorful dimension to our worship and response to God. Hallelujah!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Mind Change, Life Change
Three weeks later, this scripture stood out. It had a fresh new meaning. Isa.55:8,9 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.' I have always understood it as God's thoughts and ways are different, higher, wiser and better than mine (It does not take a wise guy to see that) . This time, I was asking myself, 'What can I do to narrow that gap?' How can I think more like God and therefore act in ways similar to His?
I came to the conclusion that the gap can be narrowed and one means is to have His Word fill my mind. I have been pastoring and preaching the Word for 27 years now. However, there is still so much room for the Word. I need the Word to dwell in me. The Word must live in me, be so alive in me affecting my thoughts, actions, motives, feelings and character at every conscious moment of my day.
I have to commit more of the Word to memory and repeat it throughout the day as often as possible. It is more than an intellectual exercise. I must come to a point that God's Word must saturate my mind, drench my soul and flood my spirit till my every action and reaction be as near as possible to how God would think and act. It is a lifelong quest that I know can never be perfected in this life and even the next. The important thing is I have received a new fire and focus to realign myself to pursue the mind and heart of God through His precious written Word for His Word reveals HIM. My prayer is that with a mind change, there will be a life change - one that resembles more of the life of Jesus.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The Truths and Dangers of the Resurrection of Jesus
When it comes to the Ripley show, to believe it or not to believe will not drastically change your life or mine. The show exposes us to many strange things but we can go on with life as usual without any dire consequences on how we respond to it.
However, when it comes to whether we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ or not, the stakes are sky high. It is as drastic as heaven and hell (and that's no exaggeration). Jesus died and arose from the dead and is alive forevermore . The Bible and Christians claim that this is true. Do you believe it or not? Is it true or just fiction? There are at least 6 ways it will affect you.
1. Truth: If we believe that the resurrection is true, then you can be certain that your sins are forgiven. Jesus claimed that he came to die for the sins of the world. And if He rose from the dead, it means that His sacrifice for sins was accepted by God who raised Jesus up from the grave.
Danger: If we don't believe in the Resurrection, then we have rejected the only means of forgiveness and thus even now stand condemned for our sins. The wages of sin is death..Rom.6:23
2. Truth: If we believe the resurrection is true, then we can have a secure bright hope for the future. The barrier to entrance into heaven is sin. When sin is forgiven and removed, then our eternal destiny is brightly lit.
Danger: If we don't believe, then we are lost and the future is bleak and dark. We do not have the answer to "What lies after death, where am I going, how are my sins forgiven and how to have the assurance of forgiveness?"
3. Truth: If we believe the resurrection is true, we can be sure that Jesus is indeed the promised Savior. The Bible states that the true Savior will conquer death. Jesus defeated death and gives this same victory to his followers.
Danger: If we don't believe, then we reject the Answer sent by God, and earnest faith in any other persons other than Jesus is simply futile and fatal.
4. Truth: If we believe in the resurrection that Jesus is alive, then a meaningful and personal relationship with Him is possible. It assures us that prayer is more, much much more than religious activity. We pray to a real God and one who can hear and chooses to hear our heart's cry. The living God loves to speak to His children.
Danger: If we don't believe, we have lost the opportunity to establish the greatest and most rewarding relationship with Jesus. We have ignored the access into the holy awesome presence of the One True God and ventured onto a dark slippery path headed to disappointments and sadness.
5. Truth: If we believe in the resurrection, we can live in confidence that this living God who conquered death is there to help us overcome our big and insurmountable difficulties. Nothing is impossible with God !
Danger: If we don't, we are left to lean on self and the weak arm of human flesh. Man will fail us and we will fail ourselves and we potentially slide down into damaging emotions that robs us of inner peace.
6. Truth: If we believe, then we will be greatly inspired to live a godly life for the pleasure of the Living God who will one day reward us.
Danger: If we don't believe the resurrection of Jesus, we gravitate towards careless living and low morals which will bring God's judgement on us.
So do you believe in the Resurrection of Jesus? If you believe the resurrection is real, you will experience the truths and power of His resurrection in normal daily living. If it is real and you don't believe, then you live dangerously on the edge of certain catastrophe.
You may argue that the resurrection of Jesus is a hoax. If it really is a hoax, then you don't have to be bothered at all. But are you sure? Have you done thorough research to make this solid conclusion. The evidences supporting the resurrection of Jesus is undeniable and can stand any cross examination of any court of law. Because if you are wrong, the consequences are most severe lasting for......forever!
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Sick Church Cannot Transform the World
We pray for a better society.
We discuss it passionately.
But we take no action and assume no responsibility for its condition.
We can only only influence to make it better when we obey the Lord to be the salt of the earth and light of the world.
We need to follow Jesus and then call the world to follow Him.
We need to be disciples and then disciple the nations.
We need to bow to God in order to bring the world to its knees.
Easy shallow Christianity cannot change the world. It demands every believer to simply live and do what Jesus commands us to . This is not radical Christianity but biblical Christianity.
We are not Christians on sundays only. We are Christians everyday. We need to behave Christ-like in the supermarket, parking lot, highways, home, offices, schools, restaurants....
Let Christians first be healed spiritually from hypocrisy and worldliness before we try to treat a sick world.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Surprised by God
It started the sunday after. We had 15 visitors. Then the next sunday, we had 35. Three weeks after the prophecy, the church saw a sudden increase of 80 new people. Our regular English service attendance is about 200. That's a 40% increase in 21 days. More chairs were set up and the church was busy ministering to the new comers. The fervor in worship has risen and the response to the Lord and His word has been wonderful. When God shows up, things happen and people's lives change.
We know that this move of God is from the Lord himself. It is not the brilliance of our strategies nor our mastery of the ministry. Rather it is the Lord fulfiling the word he promised. Faith has now risen to a new high and expectancy for God is intensifying.
During Elisha's ministry, Samaria was under siege by Ben Hadad the king of Aram. The famine was so bad that the people were eating human flesh for survival. Then Elisha gave a word that there will abundance for the Israelites 24 hours from the time he spoke. Nobody believed him BUT it happened according the word of the Lord through him. Yes God spoke and in His time He acted and acted swiftly and effectively. Truly the glory belongs to God alone. (2 Kings 6:24-7:20)
This is just the beginning of what God wants to do in the church for the community we are serving. Our hearts are faith filled yet humble in posture and our lives are furthered yielded to Him to advance His cause to bring Him maximum glory.
God surprised us. He will surprise you too. So don't abandon the dreams that God gave you and the promises He made to you. Faithfully cling on to them even when slapped by unbelief. When the time comes for God to act, He really acts in a big way that will take you by surprise.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Pain of Slowness
This is all too true when it comes to changing our lives for the better. We know our weaknesses and what needs to be changed. We make the right decision to change and invite God to aid us. We start well but often slip back into our comfort zone and neglect steps in. The help of God is available and He brings the need to our attention. Yet our lack of focus and yieldedness to Him stalls the regeration process time and again.
Though spirtual growth and character change is a never ending process, yet the degree of change has been painfully slow. We need to give priority to inner change. We choose broadband over dial up access, we want same or next day courier services, fund transfer at the click of the mouse. Isn't it time to speed up on inner change. Imagine how happy your family would be when you deal with your anger ably after having put up with you for so long. Imagine what your office environment would be when you start responding cooperatively and cheerfully. Or how your sports team will benefit when you decide to deal with your indiscipline and lack of commitment. We all need to change. Let the changes be visible and let it take less time. It would save ourselves and others a lot of pain. Get on it today and be a better you.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Making a Difference
As we waited for the ceremony to begin, their meeting conversation could be heard from where I were sitting. I was not particularly listening in to their discussion but I got an overall sense that it was very well conducted and good leadership was provided in the coming projects they were planning for. And they were enthusiastic with what they were doing. O yes, enthusiasm is so vital in anything we do. It turns tasks into a mission, and drudgery into dream making.
As the ceremony got underway, their President introduced the clubs mission. Their focus was on children and one of their former projects was called FireFlies - to motivate and encourage underprivileged children who are weak in their studies. Most groups would offer scholarships to outstanding achieving students but this Kiwanis group felt the need to assist those who have little interest in studies. In fact it was that project that they came into contact with Rainbow Home because one of our kids was in the school where the project was launched. I felt that their approach was fresh and their hearts were pure. They simply wanted to make a difference.
Here is a group of ladies who used their time, talent and finances and may I say their differences, to be a blessing. They looked beyond their own concerns and comforts. These ladies are from different backgrounds, faith and nationalities but their mission brought them together and their passion gets the work done. Yes they wanted to make a difference and they are.
This 'Making a Difference factor' I believe is inherent in all of us. We need to peel off the layers of self-centredness and insecurities to serve others. You know, only people with a healthy self esteem and confidence can put their ego's aside and help someone else in need. We dont have to take centre stage all the time.
Jesus loves and accepts us inspite of our past and wrong doings. We are made whole in His divine love. He said we should love one another. He truly dwells in us when we love and serve. So forget about self and focus on others and love people as Jesus did. Let's make a difference with what we have. Anyone can do it and most certainly you. We just need the heart for it, for the heart will find a way! Especially a heart that is full of God and His love.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Closer to the Second Coming
In preparing the church for Jesus Return, I spoke this message at the 31st Dec 2006 Watchnite service.
1. Christains need to be Faithful to God and His Word.
Scripture warns of many whose love for God will grow cold and some will abandon the faith to follow deceptive teachings. Hymenaus, Philetus and Alexander have shipwecked their faith (1Tim.1:20; 2Tim.2:17,18), Demas left for the world (2 Tim.4:10), and those who love money have wandered from the faith (1Tim.6:10). Be faithful whether or not your path is smooth or rough, peaceful or painful, successful or unsuccessful. There is only one God and He has a son and His name is called Jesus. This is the unchanging truth. This is the eternal truth.
2. Christians need to be Fervent in God's work. We need to work while it is still day. Fan into the flame the gifts of the Spirit and the faith we have in God. Paul challenges Timothy to preach the word in and out of season as the day of Jesus return approaches. Wake up from slumber. The saints of God must be alert and seize every opportunity to make God known. Trim the lamps, add the oil and burn brighter than before.
3. Christians need to be Fearless in the midst of chaos, confusion, trials and challenges. In the last days there will be an increase of wickedness and rising intolerance of Christianity. We are not to shrink back but stand up for the Lord with boldness and love. Our future is secured and God is with us in every situation. Isa 41:10 says that He will strengthen us and help us and uphold us with His righteous right hand.
4. Christians need to be Free from sin and every emcumbrance that weakens faith. Temptations and seductions are assailing humanity in every front. We need to be blood-washed daily by the Lamb. Repentance has to be a lifestlye of believers. Hate sin and root out every sinful habit of thought, word and deed. Jesus is coming back for a spotless bride.
5.Christians need to be Forgiving always. Keep short accounts. In handling negative emotions - be smart. Dump them from your heart and mind. Fill it instead with God's love. Do it daily. You will be a happier and healthier person.