Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stronger When It Should Have Grown Weaker

16 Oct 2013
Through the pages of history, it has clearly shown that the church when persecuted, gets stronger when it should have grown weaker, grows bigger when it should have grown smaller, continues loving when it should have been crushed by hatred.

This is the genius of God - the life of Jesus flowing in the church. His life is unstoppable. After all, the enemies of God killed and buried Jesus, but He conquered death with resurrection power. They tried to stop his ministry, but his teachings covered the earth as the waters cover the seas. They cursed and blasphemed him, but today, Jesus is worshipped and adored by more in every generation and nation.

Philippians 2:10,11 will happen one day, as prophesied.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It is good to hurt yourself with this.

10 Oct 2013

Hurting oneself is not recommended in almost all cases. We question a persons psyche when he/ she enjoys being afflicted with pain. It is abnormal to hurt yourself except in this one area. You can and should hurt yourself when it comes to this!

Truth. Truth is powerful. Speak and act in truth even when it hurts you. Confess the truth when you make a blunder. Own up to your mistake and take the heat like a man. Act in truth even when it disadvantages you.

Losers are born when they stray from truth or add a spin to it. They open the doors for darkness to invade. Darkness is always destructive, never constructive.

The disadvantage of truth is temporal, but the disadvantage of falsehood is permanent.

When you speak the truth, truth itself will be your best ally. It will then promote you, win the respect of even your enemies and multiply your influence. When a person of truth speaks, it thunders with heaven's authority. It has the power to move armies, break steel walls and silence the most convincing of arguments . 

Hope can shine brightly in every institution and nations can be healed when truth is spoken and held up high. 

Monday, October 07, 2013

What's Holding You From An Incredible Life? It's Not What You Think!

7 Oct. 2013
Everyone wants to move ahead and accomplish something with their lives.
They want to be somebody, be at some place better, feel happier or change some part of the world. Live an incredible life! Unknown to many, the 'D' factor is holding them back.

The 'D' factor is the 'Defilement' factor.
To defile means to make unclean, a corrupting element. Many things can cause defilement, but the chief cause of defilement is that little muscle in our body called the tongue. All muscle and all mischief. It sets the direction of one's life. It is like the rudder of a ship. Small but huge in influence. 

James the brother of Jesus describes it as untamable. Yes, we are dealing with the untamable beast. It has held back success, damaged lives, divided partnerships and murdered dreams.
The tongue is naturally negative. The tongue cuts, curses and condemns. It releases a toxin that poisons and imprisons the hearer and the speaker. 

Do a check up on your words......I cannot make it; I am not good enough; I can't do it; life is not fair; he is *#+?; she is *#+?; it is her fault; I want to punch ........ - if these words and other negatives make up the major portion of your communication, your tongue is defiling you, damaging you and destroying you. Your tongue is making you sick and weak. A negative tongue is stealing your success right under your nose.

"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart,* and these make a man ‘unclean.' For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean';* but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.'”  - Jesus in  Matthew 15:18-20

Stop right now and reverse the damage.
Command your tongue before it commands you.
Change your words to change your life.
Words have creative power.
Positive words creates positive environments and positive feelings.
Positive words give out energy and life.
Positive words invigorates, sparks enthusiasm and releases strength.
God spoke this world into being. He spoke and it was created.

Speak words of faith, blessings, encouragement, hope, possibilities and power.
Confess the word of God. Measure your words with His word.
With God's help, God's Word and following God's pattern of speech, you can tame the untamable beast to serve you to live an incredible life.

Your rise in life is determined by your level of praise you release into life.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

You Cannot Climb Mt Everest Alone.

We can do some things well; but we cannot do all things well and great things by ourselves. On our own, we can conquer some hills, but we cannot climb Mt Everest alone. Regardless of how committed and talented a leader is, he can only do so much as he is limited by his own mind, ability, strength, resources and time itself.

To go beyond some small achievements and increase one's influence, he needs the help of others. A team is required to accomplish mega things. Without a team, a leader is resigned to small wins. The bigger the vision, the better a team is required.

Moses was bogged down by settling all the disputes of all his countrymen. He had no private time and family time. He was close to a classic burn out. His father in law insightfully saw Moses problem and gave him a timely advice. I call it the 'Jethro Files'.

In Moses' situation he was to...
A. Identify what his role as a leader was. 
1. He is the priest of God to intercede for the people.
2. Teach them the decrees and laws.
3. Show them the way to live and their duties to perform

B. Identify other leaders to assist him.
1. Select and train capable leaders.
2. Appoint and commission them to serve as judges.
3. The leaders handle all the cases and only the difficult cases come to Moses.

The results were that - Moses enjoyed his family, kept the sanity of his mind and led well throughout his lifetime.
Other leaders were raised up and their giftings utilised. They found their place in the community.
The people were satisfied cause their problem were addressed and  their needs were met.

To apply the Jethro Files to your situation, ask and do the following.
1. What are the things that only you can and must do personally. You do the leading. 
2. Select and raise up other leaders to do the other tasks, things that you do poorly, and things
you don't know how to do but are essential to the organization. Find leaders that complement you. 
3. Teach them values of the organization and imprint the vision into their hearts,
4. Choose capable, teachable and trustworthy persons to represent and serve with you.
5. Empower and trust them to make decisions and run their ministries and projects.

With a good team you can do many things.
With a great team you can do amazing things - even conquer Mt Everest.