Friday, December 15, 2006

The Willingness of Desire

A person of strong desire is a person willing to pay the price to fulfil or achieve the desire. He is driven in his pursuit and faces obstacles with resolve and grit to move ahead. He stops at nothing. He is captured by it. How wonderful it is when man desires for things above. In a parable by Jesus, he is like a man who finds a treasure of great price hidden in a field and joyfully sells all he has to buy up the whole field (Matt.13:44). He finds it, he desires it, he sells all to buy it and he does it willingly and cheerfully. It had a high price tag but it was happily paid for.

At this Christmas season, let us be reminded that the Magi travelled about 1000km on camel back over rugged terrain looking for the promised Messiah after seeing the Star. They recognized the significance of this momentous event and they sacrificed an enormous amount of time to seek till they find. They were thoroughly prepared. They travelled with lavish gifts to worship the Messiah, though it was very dangerous to do so because of the many bandits preying on travellers. But it was unthinkable to them to appear before the King of the Jews without gifts worthy of His greatness. After receiving knowledge from Herod in Jerusalem that the Messiah was prophesied to be born in Bethlehem, they hurried there and found Jesus the Christ.

Interesting to note however was that Herod and the religious leaders who informed Herod of the birth place of Jesus and the citizens of Jerusalem did not make any effort to seek for Jesus in Bethlehem which was just merely 10 km away.
Herod rebuilt the temple of Solomon yet sought to kill the One who is to worshipped.
The religious leaders knew the scriptures but it did not set aflame their hearts to pursue the Lord but rather opposed His ministry and later succesfully conspired to kill the Messiah promised in the Holy Scriptures.
For the citizens of Jerusalem, they probably did not want to associate with the Gentile Magi in collective worship or they feared the ruthless cruel King Herod of what he might do to them or perhaps they reckoned they cant derive any benefit yet from a baby. All three groups were so near to the Divine Child but they had no desire and therefore made no effort to seek Him.

As we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, let us strongly desire to seek Him, worship Him and share Him to others. It requires a Christian to purposefully and diligently pursue God. It requires him to struggle through every distraction and keep focus on Jesus. He will devalue worldly things and revalue spiritual things onto a higher scale. Give Jesus your gift of a committed heart. Be A God Chaser.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stay Guarded, Stay Pure

We are in a real spiritual war where our adversary is powerful and cunning. The Scripture describes the devil as a roaring lion waiting to pounce on its prey. One of the devil's very effective tool is lust. The media glorifies it and society has embraced it unashamely. No one is invincible and beyond sinning. We set ourselves to fall when we think we can stand up on our own. The foolishness of pride is a sure step towards stumbling. Some ways to stay guarded and pure in this lust-filled world....
1. Examine your heart regularly and deeply. Stop judging others when we should be our own judge. Know your weaknesses for the devil surely knows you well to set the right traps for you. The priest in the Old Testament had to wash their hands and feet daily at the Bronze Laver before doing any ministry. Jump into God's cleansing blood regularly and wash thoroughly.
2. Walk daily with God in prayer and reading the Word. Almost all casualties to temptation will confess that it started with a neglected devotional life. When we are disconnected from the Vine, we dont even know we are easy targets of sin. Our soul is empty of God's presence and power, the armor has rusted and the spiritual radar is busted. Your guarantee for victory is an up-to-date relationship with the Living Christ dwelling in you.
3. Keep the doors tightly closed towards the sources of temptation. Stay away from any sexual content in the internet, movies, videos, music videos, songs, literature and conversations. You are deceived and dead wrong if you think you can control a little sin. Whoever sins is a slave of sin! Scripture tells us not to stand and fight lust, but to FLEE from it.
4. Wake up from self deception. We think that God does not mind a little sin because we see success in our lives and ministry. A growing ministry where souls are saved,healed, delivered and expanding influence does not mean that God is saying ok to a little sin in our lives. How blind we are. God wants us to be holy for He is Holy. God is looking for Holiness not Successfulness!
5. Maintain limits in all relationships. To all my staff and leaders - Put safety boundaries in your ministry. Do not counsel the opposite gender. Avoid unnecessary physical contact. Be visible to everyone when talking to the opposite gender. Do not dine or travel alone with the opposite gender.
6. Love your spouse and family deeply, Stay faithful to them. This is a mark of a great person in God.
7. Don't be careless. Countless accidents and tragedies has happened because of it. Be sober and alert to the tricks and snares of sin. The Lord Himself taught us to daily pray that we be not led into temptation but be delivered from the Evil One.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Battleship

I was feeling a bit tired physically after having spent 4 days in Rembia and ending the Sat preaching in PCC, Malacca and then driving back to KL. I got to bed about 2 am on Sun. I sat there in the Baby's room after the pre-service prayer was over on Sun. in KL with 15 min to spare before the main service at 10am which I was due to preach. I needed a few minutes alone to receive fresh strength. A dark, huge object floated in my mind from the right corner of my eye. It was not eerie nor frigthening. As the focus became clearer, I could make out that the vessel was a huge battle ship. It was an awesome, captivating sight. It had cannons, machine guns, a radar and fully loaded missiles. Sailing besides the battleship were other sea vessels. There was a fishing boat, cruise liner, speed boat and a cargo vessel too. The captain on board the battleship shouted to the other boats, 'Where are you going'. All the rest replied, 'We are following you'. The captain gave a commanding order,' Get away and get back. We are going to battle and you are not prepared for warfare at all.'

This vision came to confirm the word He spoke to my heart in my personal prayer retreat in Rembia that is 'Teach My People to Pray'. To advance God's work involves engaging the forces of darkness and winning the spiritual battle. To win it, the church must practice strong effective and persistent praying because the enemy is not flesh and blood but spiritual.

We need to be built tough and fully loaded with God's artillery to dispossess the enemy. The Church needs to exercise more than just intimate prayers with a loving God. To bring God's kingdom on earth, the Lord is raising forceful churches mighty in prayer. Churches that know how to storm the gates of hell and exert the authority of the Most High. We cannot expect to serve using our little and leisurely vessels. We are in a war and the spiritual battle is real and deadly.

Let us be a prayer war machine that will unleash God's immense power to break the domain of darkness. We need to be a battle axe in the hands of God to wield destruction on demonic forces and establish God's kingdom of love and peace. Pray strong, pray hard, pray through!!! Choose to be a prayer weapon in the hands of God.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Man on Fire

A man stood up to his feet and fire from heaven fell upon him. It was a strong red hot fire. It was the fire of prayer. Then another man on the left side of the church also stood up and he too was on fire. Then another man and another and another stood up, till the whole church was standing with blazing fire on their heads.

This vision was given by the Lord on the 13 June 2006 on the night of the Cheras prayer partners meeting in Praise City Church. The meeting was slow going in the beginning. Participation was lukewarm. I gathered the group of about 70 into a circle and we prayed in tongues. The Spirit of God came upon us and we prayed fervently and passionately over an extended period of time. It was then, that the Lord gave me the above vision of the man on fire and how it began to spread to the rest of the congregation until the whole church is on fire.

The Lord is going to raise up His church to pray. It will be a fire inspired by heaven so that the altar of prayer will keep on burning. It will seem to start slowly as only one man stood up and caught the fire. But the fire in this man will ignite the rest of them one by one. This will happen not just in one church but also in the other churches in Cheras.

In the days ahead, I believe that the Lord Himself will challenge you, inspire you and ignite you to be more fervent in prayer. He will give you a heart to seek Him and to intercede that His will be done in Cheras. Get ready for His touch. You will soon stand as the next person with fire on your head.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Seeking God's Face

I went to El Sanctuary in Rembia, Malacca for four days to seek the face of God. The Lord had been urging me to do this a few weeks earlier.
I started the journey about 10am on Wednesday 14/6/06. In the car itself I spent the time communing with God ( with eyes opened of course while I am driving). It was a soul cleansing time as I asked God to remove everything unpleasant in my life to God. No music, no praise n worship cd, simply prayers only.
El Sanctuary is tucked away in the forest where Lendu river lazily flows. It was a perfect spot for a personal encounter with the Divine.
Time was spent on just two activities -praying and reading God's Word. I needed a fresh touch from God for myself and the church. I knew the secret for both of this is found only in God's presence.
I conversed with God; sometimes in quietness, at times worshipping God with my guitar and sometimes in loud and bold petitions and intercessions. Praying was done mostly in tongues as I claimed the promises of the Bible.
At the end of this retreat, I was touched and refreshed by God. I can sense is a new mantle upon my life and ministry. I received a new mandate to teach the church on breakthrough praying and see an ignition of prayer passion in the church.
On that weekend in PCC Malacca , there was an unusual anointing during the prayer time. One of the sisters who was recovering from a recent stroke was visibly shaking as hands were laid on her for total healing.
On Sunday in PCC KL, visions and clear inspired words/pictures were given from God to His church and individuals. At the water baptism after the sunday service, where 15 of them were baptized, the Lord led us to pray for them for the Holy Spirit baptism first. Almost all who were not baptized in the Spirit yet were filled and with the evidence of speaking in tongues while those already filled with the Spirit, received a refilling in their spirit.
May we experience more of the presence and power of God in the days to come.