Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Prayer Dancing

The team of dancers left Kuala Lumpur last saturday afternoon and made their way to Malacca. 5 cars and the church van brought a total of 28 adults and 5 children. A larger team was supposed to travel but a number of them could not make it because of college exams.

Upon arrival they went for a quick bite, saving their stomachs for a special Portugese feast after the service. They ran two rounds of practice and then proceeded to get ready with their special attire, make up and prayer.

The time of the performance came and they moved with grace and energy. The dance was beautifully performed except for the slight hitch of one of the banners getting caught on a nail in the ceiling. They added a new feature of actually praying fervently during the music interlude where the dry bones rose up to do battle 'kung fu' stlye. I could feel the message getting through to the audience. The prohetic message was loud and clear calling the church to arise from their sleep and to pray again and again and again........

This is the 5th time that I have personally seen the dance but it has moved my heart each time. Yes, the Lord is breathing life into dry bones and joining them together. He is raising a strong army of prayer warriors. O, how the church needs to intercede especially in this season of change in Malaysia that is affecting all her citizens. Malaysia needs praying Christians today more than ever.

Sure enough, after the service was over, the whole team went to the Portugese settlement to enjoy the spicy servings of sea food. By 1.00am, the team started their way back to KL. And 'wah lah', most of them, if not all, were there in the worship service in KL on Sunday at 10 am.

The team took a total of 5 hours in travelling time to perform a 10 minute dance. Had a number of rehearsals prior to this trip and paid the cost of the trip themselves including the Portugese dinner or should I say supper. They had a lot of fun doing it and laughter was everywhere.

Thanks guys for going to bless our outreach church in Malacca. The folks in Malacca were touched by your dance ministry and more so by your commitment to be with them.

O by the way, the name of the dance is choreographed to the 'Song of Ezekiel'. This song is taken from Ezekiel 37. Go read it and who knows, you may want to dance too; but better still, you may want to pray more.