78 cents more per litre for petrol and a ringgit more for diesel. The announcement of the petrol price hike took effect on 4th June. Sighs and complains are the common expressions when you bring out the topic of the petrol price hike. The radio airwaves are jammed with such negative frequencies. Its true that the increase is significant and it will be burden to many people. Further food prices and utilities increase will follow suit. The financial outlook is bleak. The lower and middle income groups and business will face enormous challenges.
Yet, I believe as Christians we need to take the high road of praise. In everything give thanks. Learn to praise the Lord in good and bad times. Don't let difficulties dry up the praises from our lips and hearts. This positive action will lead to positive results. Though the problems exists yet your praises to God will lift the weights and heaviness over your hearts. You will be freed up on the inside cause praise brings the peace of God. Let your faith in God shine, and praise is one of the first and most obvious expressions. Your confessions positions you for defeat or victories. Dont let fear reign in you, but rather let faith rule.
Secondly, take positive steps to adjust your lifestlyle. Reduce unnecessary spendings. Car pool. Accomplish multiple tasks for every trip you make to a single destination. Plan your travel routes well. Increase your vehicle tyre pressure so that there will be less rubber-road drag. Downsize to a lower engine cc vehicle if necessary. Control impulsive buying. Cook more...............
There are many things that can be done and reduced and yet you can have a fulfilling life. Less can be more.
Thirdly, lay hold of the blessings and promises of God by faithful tithing and giving. Tithing does not reduce your finances but opens up the storehouses of God. Your tithing gives God the reasons to multiply your finances. It is God's nature to keep His word to you by opening the windows of blessings over your life. Give and it will be given back to you. It sounds strange but strangely it works. Why? because its a promise of God.
Fourthly, this is a time of ministry. God wants to bless you so much that you can be a channel to help those who do not know God, who are facing times of economic crunch. What an opportunity and privilege to be God's servants in this time of want. Be a spiritual Joseph to this generation.
Lift up your heads and raise your voice to praise the Lord. He will take good care of you and your family. Remember, He is your heavenly father and a very faithful one too. Let Him use you to take care of others and share the goodness and blessings of God with them.
If the above suggestions seems too simplistic, you can choose to ignore it. But hey, it works for me. So before you click away, think again. Life was not meant to be complicated. Walk with God, do it His way and life will turn out brilliantly.