Saturday, January 24, 2009

More than Charisma and Conquest

Today's culture celebrates charisma and conquest. By 'conquest', I mean high achievements.
The personality cult is exalted to dizzying heights.
People are crazy over those with good looks, electrifying presence and the intelligent smooth communicator, amazing talent and of course the winners. These key indicators are todays success factors. Those who have them are hailed as today's heroes. They are considered super-sapiens, the elite of humanity.

People focus their energies running after these things and are rudely awakened by life that success is not equivalent to fulfilment and contentment. Success does not necessarily receive God's approval even though it receives tons of human praise. The truth is - Charisma and Conquest without CHARACTER makes an empty soul. It reveals an empty soul.

Character makes a person human.
Character makes a person useful.
Character makes a person truly great.

The making of character is a long and hidden journey that many chose to neglect to their misery and the misery of others. Few will chose this path but for those who do, they are the real heroes.
Work on the exterior but dont shut down the interior work. In fact, most people need to slow down or even shut down the exterior work for a while and lock in on inner development. That includes me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Our God is the God of the Greater.
He promised Solomon a throne greater than his father David. (1 Ki.1:37)
The glory of the latter temple shall be greater than the glory of the former. (Haggai 2:9)
He told Nathaniel that he will see greater things. (John 1:50)
Jesus shall bring us greater revelations (John5:20)
Jesus promised that those who have faith in Him shall do the works He is doing and even greater works than that. (John14:12)

It excites my heart that God wants to lead us to greater things. 2009 and beyond shall be greater years ahead than all that we have experienced. He is not the God of the diminishing order but of the increasing order. The greatest days of the church lies ahead of us, not behind us.
Technology has progressed forward, and so have medical science, communications, education and every field of life. The spiritual aspect is no different. We are wired for greater things and wired to the God of the Greater.

2008 is now history. Today is what all we have got and every step takes us forward into a future that is brigther. So pray great prayers, dream great dreams and think great thoughts. Reach up and forward for a life of greater purpose and influence.