We are in a real spiritual war where our adversary is powerful and cunning. The Scripture describes the devil as a roaring lion waiting to pounce on its prey. One of the devil's very effective tool is lust. The media glorifies it and society has embraced it unashamely. No one is invincible and beyond sinning. We set ourselves to fall when we think we can stand up on our own. The foolishness of pride is a sure step towards stumbling. Some ways to stay guarded and pure in this lust-filled world....
1. Examine your heart regularly and deeply. Stop judging others when we should be our own judge. Know your weaknesses for the devil surely knows you well to set the right traps for you. The priest in the Old Testament had to wash their hands and feet daily at the Bronze Laver before doing any ministry. Jump into God's cleansing blood regularly and wash thoroughly.
2. Walk daily with God in prayer and reading the Word. Almost all casualties to temptation will confess that it started with a neglected devotional life. When we are disconnected from the Vine, we dont even know we are easy targets of sin. Our soul is empty of God's presence and power, the armor has rusted and the spiritual radar is busted. Your guarantee for victory is an up-to-date relationship with the Living Christ dwelling in you.
3. Keep the doors tightly closed towards the sources of temptation. Stay away from any sexual content in the internet, movies, videos, music videos, songs, literature and conversations. You are deceived and dead wrong if you think you can control a little sin. Whoever sins is a slave of sin! Scripture tells us not to stand and fight lust, but to FLEE from it.
4. Wake up from self deception. We think that God does not mind a little sin because we see success in our lives and ministry. A growing ministry where souls are saved,healed, delivered and expanding influence does not mean that God is saying ok to a little sin in our lives. How blind we are. God wants us to be holy for He is Holy. God is looking for Holiness not Successfulness!
5. Maintain limits in all relationships. To all my staff and leaders - Put safety boundaries in your ministry. Do not counsel the opposite gender. Avoid unnecessary physical contact. Be visible to everyone when talking to the opposite gender. Do not dine or travel alone with the opposite gender.
6. Love your spouse and family deeply, Stay faithful to them. This is a mark of a great person in God.
7. Don't be careless. Countless accidents and tragedies has happened because of it. Be sober and alert to the tricks and snares of sin. The Lord Himself taught us to daily pray that we be not led into temptation but be delivered from the Evil One.